Kris Wodehouse
BEd (Hons) NPQH – regional lead – “Achievement for All”
Kris Wodehouse joined Achievement for All in 2013 and is currently Regional Lead responsible a team of Deputy Regional Leads who quality assure the Achievement Coach delivery of school and early years programmes.
Kris has more than 28 years’ experience working in education, ranging from primary teaching and senior leadership positions, in UK and British International schools. Kris has also held teaching and learning advisory positions in the specialist field of health and wellbeing education within Local Authorities.
Kris was instrumental in the successful implementation of the Department for Education’s whole school Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL), curriculum development, and staff training in south of England local authorities. Kris has been influential in promoting equality of opportunity for all within an inclusive school/setting culture.
Kris holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship and an honours degree in education.
Marija Golubeva
Analyst of education policy
Marija Golubeva is analyst of education policy, Board Member of the company SIA RHC Consulting. She has studied in the University of Latvia, and in the University of Cambridge (in Great Britain), where she obtained her doctorate in history. Worked at the public administration, for a long term she was engaged in a think tank PROVIDUS, and in the company ICF, in Brussels, afterwards, where she led European projects on education policy. Marija Golubeva is active participant of education project in the Central Asian countries. She is Board Member of the movement Par!.
Mārīte Rozenfelde
Asoc. Prof., Dr.paed., Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju augstskola
Mārīte Rozenfelde ir Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas asociētā profesore, Dr. paed. speciālajā pedagoģijā, RTA Personības socializācijas pētījumu institūta vadošā pētniece apakšnozarē – nozaru (speciālā) pedagoģija; profesionālās augstākās izglītības bakalaura studiju programmas “Speciālās izglītības skolotājs” un profesionālās maģistra studiju programmas “Speciālā pedagoģija” direktore; Latvijas speciālo pedagogu asociācijas (LSpecPA) dibinātāja un valdes priekšsēdētāja.
Pedagoģijas jomā strādā kopš 1979. gada. 22 darba gadi ir saistīti ar praktisko darbu speciālajās un vispārējās izglītības iestādēs. Jau no 2003. gada autore ik gadu organizē un vada akadēmiskās konferences, kurās tiek aplūkotas speciālās pedagoģijas aktualitātes Latvijā un ārzemēs. 2005. gadā autore Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijā izveidoja Speciālās pedagoģijas laboratoriju – agrīnās palīdzības centru un līdz 2015. gadam vadīja tās darbu.
Autore ir izstrādājusi un saskaņojusi LR Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas 35 pedagogu tālākizglītības un profesionālās pilnveides programmas, no kurām daudzas šobrīd tiek īstenotas dažādās izglītības iestādēs. Individuāli un kolēģu grupā izstrādājusi 10 metodiskos līdzekļus darbam ar cilvēkiem, kuriem ir dažādi attīstības traucējumi. Kopš 2017. gada vada 10 mācību un metodisko līdzekļu izstrādi ESF un VISC projektā “Kompetenču pieeja mācību saturā”.
Marius Frank
BSc (Hons) NPQH FRSA - Director E-Learning and Material Development - Achievement for All
Marius Frank joined Achievement for All in 2012 and is currently strategic lead for E-Learning Development.
After a career as a teacher (of science) and middle leader (including posts as varied as Head of Year, Head of Science and Director of Music) in some of the toughest secondary schools in the country, Marius became Headteacher of Bedminster Down Secondary School in Bristol. Despite being named in the bottom 200 performing Secondary Schools in the country in 2000, Marius led the school community to a remarkable transformation, trebling performance outcomes in a decade in charge despite very low standards on entry. In 2010, Marius became CEO of ASDAN Education, a large curriculum development charity and awarding organisation
Marius has designed a diverse range of programmes, including - early years professionals and childminders programmes Cornwall College’s RETAIN programme, aimed at retaining Early Career Teachers in the profession; 2,000 hours of professional support for the Achievement for All professional development programme; and the internationally recognised Digital Literacy programme, developed in partnership with Microsoft, now embedded in 63 countries.
Marius is currently leading a government funded national project aimed at embedding Special Educational Needs and Disability Reform policy and practice and transforming outcomes for young people with needs in the Youth Justice system, working with nearly 2000 professionals from Local Authorities, Youth Offending Teams, Secure Estate, Health and Social Welfare.
Siân Williams
Coordinator, British Council program Connecting Classrooms
Siân Williams worked for ten years in inner London secondary schools before joining a local authority in south London as an education officer. In this role she led a variety of programmes for children and young people focused on inclusion, social and emotional learning, bullying and managing conflict.
Siân became a freelance educational adviser, facilitator and trainer in 2010. Since the she has continued to focus on inclusive educational communities, specialising in teacher-led residential trips, student-led learning communities, and involving children and young people in resolving conflict. Since 2015 she has been a facilitator for the British Council Connecting Classrooms programme in Malawi, where she lived from 2013-2017. She is a British Council Ambassador and a visiting lecturer at the University of Cumbria, UK.